Research Enquiry Form

Volunteers of the Archives Section of the Yass & District Historical Society Inc answer enquiries in the order they are received. If your enquiry relates to family history, it will be helpful if you complete (or as much as you are able) the reverse of this form. Please note –

  1. Incoming enquiries will be charged a processing and assessment fee of $40 to determine what records are held. This fee is payable before any research is initiated. Please deposit fee to our account Yass & District Historical Society, Westpac, Yass BSB 032 771 Account No 12 0621 ensuring your name is noted on the deposit. Email enquiries to or post to YDHS Inc, P O Box 304, Yass NSW 2582
  2. For each and every enquiry a reply will include a list of resources found and an estimate of the hours required to complete the research and write the report. The cost per hour is $15. The reply will include the options to accept the additional hours and fees as indicated or choose to terminate the enquiry. The enquiry will not be processed until the additional fees are deposited.
  3. Every effort will be made to answer your enquiry, but the Society cannot undertake to provide information not held by the Society Archives.
  4. Copies of photographs and photocopies can be provided at a cost determined by the Society. These materials provided by the Society cannot be reproduced in any format by the researcher without the express permission of the Society;
  5. All information given will be treated as confidential unless you wish your contact details and research to be made available (at the Society’s discretion) to other researchers; and.
  6. Please ensure that you sign the relevant authorisation regarding public access.
Details of family, property held, profession or trade etc

Genealogical Information
Below details are associated to the Husband
Genealogical Information
Below details are associated to the Husband
Complete as much detail as possible:
Birth date, birthplace, spouse, marriage date, marriage place, death date, death place, burial place