Midwives and Rabbit Snatchers
Mavis Gaff-Smith, Wagga, 2016.
The author Mavis Gaff-Smith is passionate both about her calling and the stories of brave women who have preceded her as mothers and in the profession. She has written extensively on the role of midwives in specific areas. This book pays tribute to role of country midwives who assisted women before, during and after the births of their children. It contains stories of ‘granny’ midwives and trained nurses who conducted hospitals, small and large, from the Snowy Mountains to ‘The Levels’ of the Lachlan, and from the South-West Slopes to the Southern Tablelands. Of special interest are the accounts of Aboriginal midwives at the Hollywood Mission, Yass and Erambie,Cowra and the contributions of several Yass family historians. Signed copies, softcover, 203 pages, b/w illustrations, bibleography, contributors.
$20.00 plus $9.00 postage.