Early Days of Yass: Mary Yeo JP, Yass Historian


P R Bindon & A J MacQuillan (eds), Yass, 2017.

This publication features thirty-six weekly articles reproduced from the Yass EveningTribune in 1920 and 1921. Miss Yeo or ‘Pol’ Yeo as she was widely known was a Yass personality vigorously involved in a wide range of community activities. The reader first becomes acquainted with her in the book’s introduction written by Diana MacQuillan. With an inquiring mind and a passion for history, Mary Yeo touches on many aspects of the district’s early history. Written at a time when access to primary records would have been limited she has drawn together these sources with oral accounts to provide a window into the past. The editors’ footnotes add to the text and in some cases correct factual information.

Softcover, 186 pages, A4 format, b/w illustrations, footnotes, and index.

$40.00 plus $14.00 postage.

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