

Key Information


247A Comur Street, Yass

Opening times

Tuesdays and Thursdays 2pm Bookings by prior appointment preferred. Contact well ahead of planned visits.

Closing Times

Tuesdays and Thursdays 5pm


0493 264 524 Tuesdays and Thursdays only


Research fees

$40 for first hour (processing and assessment of resources found) plus $15 for each
additional hour.

Archive and Research

The society archive welcomes inquiries from members, students, family historians, consultants, and researchers. If you intend to visit the centre please submit a completed research enquiry form well ahead and advise us of the date of your visit so we can ensure that there will be a volunteer available to assist you.

Research inquiries by mail or email on a completed enquiry form (please ensure all contact details including postal address) and accompanied by the standard fee (see below) are appreciated as inquiries without payment will not be actioned. To enable us to assist you please complete as many of the details as possible on our downloadable inquiry form, noting the source of the information. The more details you can provide, the greater the possibility that we can assist with your inquiry. Please send the completed inquiry form by email to and deposit funds to the society’s bank account – Yass & District Historical Society, Westpac, Yass BSB 032 771 Account No 12 0621 quoting your name on the deposit.

Resources held at our archive.[YDHS Inc]

Alternatively mail the completed enquiry or order forms with the appropriate payment to

Yass and District Historical Society Inc
P O Box 304
Yass NSW 2582

Most materials in the archive may be photocopied or photographed, subject to copyright guidelines, permissions access, and the physical condition of the material.

  1. Incoming enquiries will be charged a processing and assessment fee of $40 to determine what records are held. This fee is payable before any research is initiated. Please deposit fee to our account Yass & District Historical Society, Westpac, Yass BSB 032 771 Account No 12 0621 ensuring your name is noted on the deposit. Email enquiries to or post to YDHS Inc, P O Box 304, Yass NSW 2582.
  2. For each and every enquiry a reply will include a list of resources found and an estimate of the hours required to complete the research and write the report. The cost per hour is $15. The reply will include the options to accept the additional hours and fees as indicated or choose to terminate the enquiry. The enquiry will not be processed until the additional fees are deposited.
  3. Every effort will be made to answer your enquiry, but the Society cannot undertake to provide information not held by the Society Archives.
  4. Copies of photographs and photocopies can be provided at a cost determined by the Society. These materials provided by the Society cannot be reproduced in any format by the researcher without the express permission of the Society;
  5. All information given will be treated as confidential unless you wish your contact details and research to be made available
    (at the Society’s discretion) to other researchers; and.
  6. Please ensure that you sign the relevant authorisation regarding public access.


Rachel Duddleston, Queen of the Allies candidate, 22 March 1916. [YDHS Inc]

To order archival material or images from the collection please download the order form.

Processing and assessment fee (payable in advance)
Each additional hour



Photocopies each
Digital images emailed each.   $10.00


A prior appointment is required should you wish to personally visit the archives. Please email to arrange this well in advance of your planned visit.

Please note – copies of documentation and images are provided for personal use and research purposes only and cannot be reproduced in any format without the express permission of the Society. If you wish to reproduce material or an image in any form you will be required to complete a permission form.

Afternoon tea in the Coen's courtyard, Comur Street, Yass, c1905. [YDHS Inc]

Records held

The area represented in the archival collection approximates that of the area covered by Yass Valley Council. A wide range of records include the following:

Highlights of the collection


Local burial & monumental inscription recordsSt Clement’s Anglican Church registers
NSW Births, Deaths and Marriages Index to Bench books 1835-1871
Electoral rollsYass Police Court Letters Book & Court of Requests
Census recordsCommercial and pastoral directories
Rates & Valuations since 1898Livestock brands 1857-1929
Conditional Purchase Indexes 1861- 1865Goulburn Herald 1848-1857 (microfilm)
Yass Courier 1857-1929 (microfilm)Southern Argus 1881-1887 (microfilm)
Yass Tribune clippingsMiscellaneous directories
Ephemera collectionsThe digitized and indexed photographic collection
Extensive collection of district mapsRecords related to war service of local personnel
Records of Community OrganisationsWWII rationing cards
Local family history filesGeneral Return of Convicts 1837
Local history publicationsConvict Indents
Journals and newslettersNSW Convict Census & Ticket of Leave Holders for Yass District
Historic buildings informationExchange journals with local and family history groups
WWI portraits 

Highlights of the collection

  • Collection of some 400 images of World War One soldiers and nurses
  • Extensive map collection featuring many first edition parish maps
  • Extensive map collection featuring many first edition parish maps

  • Records of the Manchester Unity Independent Order of Oddfellows from c1870

  • The fully searchable digitized photographic collection 

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